hi there everybody here are a few questions that have been running over and over and over and over.............in my head (well I've got nothing much substantial in my hands to keep me occupied other than a flickering computer[i keep begging it not to give up on me while I'm blogging] and a bitch of a bike who keeps "taking me" out for a ride). Now for some sane philosophical questions...
# Does buying a set of newspapers on the day the election results are released by anyway convey an idea that the buyer supports the winning party (for all i know he could be searching for some elusive job [yup happened to yours truly]).
# Can you stop loving someone just because they have a different political view or support someone whom they presume you don't like?.
# If someone did something bad to me even if its at the behest of my parents are they still worthy of a pardon?. now here are some thoughts which may prove detrimental for the above said pardon....
1. I've ceased being a christian the day i came to know i was being taken for a ride.
2. All the accused were of a sound mind and intentionally have taken part in this thing. i question their sanity and common sense they all appeared to be quite sensible the last time i saw them they must have succumbed to the vagaries of time.
Now they expect me to forget everything have a cheerful face and talk as if nothing has happened. The problem is I'm not gifted like them to fake serenity while scheming something devious behind the screens (yup pretty much gonna blow them up all over the place, hehehehe in case you haven't noticed that is the muffled evil laugh of mine).
I've learnt to give the answers they want and I must have become pretty adept at that, deducing by the way they are buying them.
I've also learnt to ignore idiots who appear time and again and try to remind me their role in the great scheme that deprived me of many a sane moment and made me seek revenge (this is for you idiot i came to the Christmas party knowing pretty well whats gonna happen and be careful with my piano).
I've learnt that, they believe the lord almighty has ordained them for protecting my soul and have taken upon themselves the task of moral policing by controlling my computer (islamic fundamentalist countries i believe are more liberal than them and with their help i think i can make it to heaven even with all my transgressions)
They must be really dumb to not recognise till now that i love playing along until it starts bothering me.
I feel like i've reached the fag end of my career and need a much awaited overhaul psychologically. If i was an automobile as i dream sometimes I would be condemned by now taking into consideration all the beatings I've taken but i dont know why I find life so interesting (maybe because of all the varying degrees of insanity i come across randomly) each passing day even when everyday turns out to be pretty predictable. Maybe the little hope that one day I'm gonna have my revenge is what is keeping me going hehehe (the same laugh again). After all these days my enthusiasm doesnt seem to waver and my spirits are at an all time high (speaking of spirits they do play a role in my happiness). As i often say everyman to himself even when he is lying on the bosom of his beloved. we were born alone and we are gonna die that way and every relation inbetween is born out of necessity. My happiness lies in things that people normally ignore while trying to "live" and i believe that has made all the difference the road less travelled.
Now its time for me to practice telekinesis just to shut out this obnoxious world and travel to my shambala. And all you (add expletives for feminine gender) and idiots with those smug grins you are gonna be really sorry. i swear by my aching heart I dont give a damn about what you did for me or if your father is complaining to the police because you are receiving missed calls.
If you can so can I and I will, till then keep smiling. I'm brewing it, the perfect recipe even the devil cant beat it (I'll be filling in his shoes after my death a fact of much consternation to my "christian" parents). They think hell is a place of suffering but as i see they are wrong as always, devils can be happy hehehe.
Apparently emotions and feelings are the only things that are hindrances to a man's happiness but then I'm gonna die an emotional fool with a little twist, my epitaphs gonna read " An emotional fool who had his day of happiness". see ya all in hell. iIii