To begin with the train ride was beautiful as always especially the section from nidadhavol which was unelectrified and hence needed a diesel engine just like the old times. I'm a total sucker for anything that moves on rails. i woke up to a glorious morning as my train was pulling into secunderabad. I got a room for a measly 200 ru which was remarkably clean and would have been too small for comfort for anyone else other than me. I dont know why i feel claustrophobic in a park with people around but sleep peacefully in a matchbox now thats a thinker for you to figure out. the room ended where it began near the door.
Secunderabad was a riot of colours and smells with navratri around but i believe it would have been the same on any day with crowds of people everywhere. The first few hours were overwhelming to my senses but gradually it grew on me and by the second day i was comfortable enough to try the MMTS train but they shoved me off the train or maybe I was'nt hyderabadi enough to secure a foothold on the train.
The most beautiful thing about hyderabad was the number of choices the consumers had from roadside knick knack selling hawkers to billion dollar car showrooms, it had the extremes and everything inbetween. the people there were ready to seize any oppurtunity to sell something that would otherwise seem foolish, like the guy who tried to sell me a surgical mask as protection for swine flu now thats what i call enterpreneurship and those guys dont need any fancy degree to survive and thrive, they are more shrewd than all of the billionares in this world combined case in point i got me a fancy belt for 80 ru which was actually offered for 160 ru and nothing less. By day two i was enjoying myself after partially regaining my senses which were shutdown by the sensory overload but living and working in a city like that is a big no no for me. as of now I'm quite pleased with my humble abode.
Tomorrow I'll be distributing my resume in the hopes of getting a job. On that note I'll take leave and very queerly i made myself a list "things to buy" though it has only one thing on it right now a DSLR camera till then happy grainy pictures.
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