Wednesday, July 8, 2009

my early morning pj run

woke up this morning to the sounds of something being destroyed in our backyard when i investigated i found a little kid in our rundown garden destroying something i shouted and he dissapeared. i went out around my house to see if he was still there, after jumping over our wall which is higher than 7feethe was checking if i was still there i approached him but he ran away in time. i took out my bike and followed him with dishevelled hair in my pjs and scoured all over our neighbourhood streets and atlast found him under a drain cover. his position was given away by a kind lady who was watching the whole sequence from her first floor window. i caught him and came to know that he had two more accomplices who have escaped he was clever enough to tell me that he was lost and was searching for his house. it was funny that such a little kid probably no more than 7 years old is clever enough to run and hide and tell me stories i felt sorry for him i ididnt know what to do considering his age. his character stood at sharp contrast with the children presently im seeing in rk mission. innocence and divinity corrupted at such a tender age by the influences of money and false cultural and social values. my folks tell me that some things are hereditary like cheating etc but i have a hard time believing such things anyway i was amused the way he stuck to his story he wasnt afraid of the police and was not willing to disclose the location of his house even after i threatened him. i left him pondering would i do the same thing at such a tender age if i was forced?. well to me it looked like he didnt have any options left or was it an easy way out or was it getting back at the society that cunningly deprived him of things that normal people who are better off than him, take for granted? well the answer my friend is blowing in the wind the answer is blowing in the wind...................he gave me a great start to my day giving me something to think about you see im lazy at times and take for granted the sumptuous meals that i have everyday, made me wonder what would make such a little kid try to steal at such an unearthly hour(atleast for me). by the way i took pictures of him in my phone. i dont know how many of you justify my actions but i did what seemed rational to my mind it wasnt impulsive but i didnt want to hurt him and in that process hurt myself call me an idiot if you want to but let me know if you think i could have done something differently. after warning him i took him on my bike and left him at a little distance away from my home.

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