Monday, July 13, 2009

life in a bottle

It has been a pretty cold day with a continuous drizzle, just my sort of a day but couldn't go to my internship posting due to last nights spicy sea food(i fought to retain it in, the whole night and finally lost the battle in the morning which left me with a sore mouth and throat, the acidity complicated by the spices my mom puts in with her generous hands). i slept off the whole morning and went out for a drive with rosy in the afternoon. the drive was dicey with all the rain and my nonfunctional back brakes and my smoothed front Tyre not helping and that made it all the more enjoyable, had a walk in the beach, yup very much in the rain. came back home all wet and soggy but with that irreplaceable wicked grin that spreads all over my face every time i go riding on a rainy day, which very few of you would be familiar with, I suppose, unless if you are the sort who attain nirvana on lonely roads on a bike under the rain. I've even managed to take some grainy snaps with my mobile (pardon me for them being grainy ill get a good camera soon[as soon as i get a job and start saving ok ok thatll be never, satisfied?..]) I believe I've captured the very essence of beaches on rainy days.
Ive been applying for jobs for quite some time now but everybody seems to be wanting a guy with a certificate and I'm still 4 months away from it. funny, for sitting in an unventilated cubicle and crying your voice hoarse for a straight 8 hours a day on the phone and for the pittance you receive you need a certificate (talking about indian call centres in general). I think there are too many people with give-away certificates i believe, that even a nincompoop who runs a nondescript shithole now asks for a certificate even when he cant make out what physiotherapy or biotechnology is (these people are giving away certificates for every weird sounding thing nowadays i mean why give a certificate when you cant provide a job for it?) sad days have befallen us but that's what makes life more interesting doesn't it?. anyway its not going to get any better and i better get my vodka and lime down. you know how cold these rainy days can get what with your future looking bleak as my grainy pictures. God I love challenges, maybe I'm screwing up my life but i believe ill be happy doing it. cheers to me.
that's about it, maybe i wont be having these days anymore soon, will i be happy? now thats one serious question i need to ask myself time and again. as of now I'm as chilled as the night around me. God I wish I was lying underneath the open sky with nothing to care about. well maybe it looks so alluring now but it may not seem to be such a good idea when you actually do it with your future looming and threatening your inner peace. At times i wish i was some farmer tilling my own land living my own life secluded from this giant automaton that sucks you in and makes you an unwilling cog in its mechanism. no matter what you do you are forced to turn and resisting is at your own risk you loose your teeth and you'll be spat out as a-fit-for-nothing. as they say you cant fight "the system". it gets you wherever you maybe. as there is no escaping it we might as well give in and pretend we are liking it?, I'm afraid i would be doing that pretty soon.
now don't you judge me neither am i lazy nor do i shun responsibilities i just hate doing things that mean nothing to me. maybe there is no cure for my suffering and unless an enlightened soul finds the curative elixir I'm doomed to go this way into the grave. speaking of elixirs i love elixirs because I'm told they contain a percentage of vodka you see the perfect cure for any ailment except for heartbreak, no it wasn't of any help to me. no I'm not a drunkard its just that i find solace in my friend "babochki" he lives in my closet ok whom am i kidding babochki is russian for butterfly and is the name of my 1 litre vodka bottle that resides in my closet he gets a fill in at regular(read it as every week) intervals now does that qualify me as a drunkard?. ok so be it but none of you can ever take his place. ok ok enough of this i heard you I'm going out to get myself "a life"(for someone who listens music so loud i can hear pretty sharply). ok by life do you mean that bigger bottle I've seen the other day when i went to top babochki?... this auto correct option is killing me you see my mother tongue is telugu, a south indian language I was taught british spelling that spells liter as litre and tire as tyre, Im just confused between the american and english version i hate seeing those redlines on my screen. bye for now
Right now im not in a position to post my "grainy" pictures because of an idiotic a#$hole who controls my computer remotely(my mouse, its not working and Im not so interested in finding the problem and fixing it which would be wasting my time instead of spending it on something constructive sleeping and by the way i love ignoring bothering a@#holes). I've got quite a repertoire of "slang" and no, I'm not going to address anyone with my slang except for people who think they are doing something commendable for the general good of the public while infact all the way they are being a pain in the ass, and they suck at it bigtime too, now who can top that.

On a totally different note, things that may appear trivial to you could be serious to someone else.

1 comment:

A-Jester said...

hey quiet a few things you have discussed in a single post man Anyway good Mr. blogger